Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting started - Own your own business

If you read the headlines or watch the daily news programs we are fed daily doses of how the U.S. economy is in trouble. Unemployment is rising, employers are laying off and jobs are scare. Well yes, that all may be true. Who would ever think of starting a business during this time?Are you crazy? No you are not. Most people fail to realize, that one of keys to our economic turn around are small businesses. If you find yourself unemployed during this time, this is absolutely the best time to start your own business. Many nay sayers will say, you are nuts, for exploring the entrepreneur path. Now is the time to take a risk on You, Inc or in other words yourself. You will never get an opportunity like today to stop and ponder skills and assets you can bring to You, Inc. I once read that, the real meaning of the word J.O.B is Just Over Broke. You will never enjoy financial freedom working for someone who can determine your income. I'm not saying everyone can do this, it's not for the weak, but many of you like me have been on the fence for years, now is the time.

So how do you get started? Write down the key skills that have made you a success in your current profession. Your skill inventory is the key to unlocking your passion. Your business idea should be something you love to do based on the skills you have or can acquire. Next read, research, volunteer and talk to individuals doing what you want to do in business. There are several options for researching your new business idea. The Internet is a good source, but not your only source of information, visit your local library, bounce ideas off your networking circle, utilize social networking sites and lastly visit your community local Chamber of Commerce.

I hope that I have given you some motivation and ideas for getting starting down the entrepreneur path. Being unemployed is not easy, I know that first hand, but it is not the end the world. Look at it as a new beginning to pursue your destiny in life. Don't give up hope, use this time to identity and work your God given talents to help jump start our economy. I believe necessity in the mother of invention. Are you sitting on the next billion dollar idea? Take this time to reinvent yourself and consider the possibilities of starting your own business.

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